Long copy campaign for Homeboy Industries, the world’s largest gang rehabilitation and re-entry program.
Art Director: Vanleigh Armer
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15% is just too high a price for our community to pay. We want to believe that we forgive and forget, but the only thing we forget is their humanity. At Homeboy we offer various social enterprises because their is dignity in work and everyone deserves the opportunity to contribute value to society. So next time you tip at Homegirl Café, remember what your contribution is going towards.
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How can we sit by and accept that a system that is meant to rehabilitate only recycles. That from the moment they are released we set them up to fail. At Homeboy we recognize that education is a gateway to success, so we help over 300 people every month work towards attaining their GED. Because we know, our community of compassion grows when we see each other as human.
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So how is it we are able to give a youtube video more consideration than our neighbor? We live in a world so fast to judge that we often forget the fact that a person is more than their appearance. At Homeboy, we know the importance of first impressions and how it affects how we treat one another. To combat this, we have become the world’s largest tattoo remover, removing over 3000 tattoos a month for free.
12,000 Resumés
Homeboy will send 12,000 resumés to the Mayor of LA’s office to remind him that there are currently 12,000 people currently incarcerated in the LA County jail system who will all need to find work once released.
The resumés will also be available on Homeboy’s website where they can be downloaded by anyone for free. The resumé template will also offer instructions and best practices for job seekers.